In preparation for Saturday’s game between Florida State and Georgia Tech, both schools spent 17 months meticulously planning every detail of their transatlantic journey. From creating spreadsheets to filling out documents and double-checking customs regulations, they made sure to pack all the essentials for the trip.
Uniforms? Check. Cleats? Check. Ranch dressing? Surprisingly, check.
However, not everything made the journey. The Ramblin’ Wreck stayed behind in Atlanta, and Renegade, Osceola, and their flaming spear didn’t make the trip due to quarantine restrictions.
Despite leaving behind some of their most iconic pregame traditions, Florida State and Georgia Tech are set to headline Week 0 in Dublin with everything they need to play football. The exhaustive behind-the-scenes effort was described by Georgia Tech’s director of football operations, Josh Thompson, as “not for the faint of heart.”
Together, the schools shipped 238 crates weighing more than 40,000 pounds on cargo planes last week. These crates were filled with everything from game day equipment to sports medicine supplies, protein powder, snacks like Goldfish, and even condiments not available in Dublin.
“There is no room for error here,” said Jason Baisden, Florida State’s assistant athletic director for equipment operations. “Once we’re there, we’re there. We can’t come back or call and say, ‘Hey, bring this with you.'”
The preparations for this game began in March 2023, soon after it was announced. Florida State’s director of football operations, Bruce Warwick, who had experience with overseas games from his time in the NFL, knew what moving an entire team over 4,000 miles would entail.
In addition to packing all the necessary equipment, passports had to be secured, in-person site visits to the team hotel had to be made (including food tastings), and communication with officials in Ireland had to be precise. Nothing, not even the difference between an American biscuit and an Irish biscuit, could be left to chance.
“I had to learn to speak their language,” Baisden said. “It’s not a uniform to them; it’s a kit. It is the English language, but we had to make sure nothing was lost in translation.”
Baisden and Thompson reached out to contacts at Notre Dame and Navy, two schools that had previously played in Ireland, for advice. Baisden also requested a carnet, a document that facilitates temporary international imports and exports, listing every item brought into a foreign country line by line, with exact numbers.
Every item, from snacks to rolls of tape, had to be listed. At Florida State, Baisden coordinated with various departments starting in January to identify what needed to be brought. He likened the process to preparing for an “overseas bowl trip,” though the level of detail required went far beyond typical bowl game preparations.
Due to international travel restrictions, iconic elements like the Ramblin’ Wreck and Renegade were left behind. Renegade, the legendary horse that carries Osceola before every Florida State home game, would have been unavailable for the home opener due to quarantine requirements. The Ramblin’ Wreck, a 1930 Ford Model A Sport Coupe that leads the Yellow Jackets onto the field, would have needed to travel by ship, making it unavailable for the home opener as well.
The schools also faced the unexpected challenge of ensuring the use of new technology allowed for the season—coach-to-helmet communication and iPads on the sideline. The headset systems typically used in the U.S. don’t work overseas due to different radio frequencies, so both schools had to rent new systems. Florida State even practiced with the new technology during scrimmages to get accustomed to it.
Thompson noted that securing multiple lines of frequency for the communication headsets was crucial. The iPads required coordination with Aviva Stadium and local vendors to ensure real-time video updates. The schools held weekly calls with the ACC and various vendors to ensure everything would be ready for the game.
The teams used different airports for their cargo, with Florida State’s shipment leaving for Orlando and Georgia Tech’s heading to Chicago before both were flown to Dublin. Both schools sent advance groups to Ireland to begin setting up for the game, with equipment managers preparing locker rooms for practice upon arrival.
Food was another major challenge, as the teams wanted to keep meals as familiar as possible. Florida State players are particularly fond of ranch dressing, A1 steak sauce, and Tabasco, so those condiments were packed since they’re not available in Ireland.
Both teams departed the U.S. on Wednesday evening, but even their departures looked different. For domestic games, teams usually go through TSA security at their stadiums before heading to their charter flights. For this international trip, both teams had to go through regular airport security.
Upon arrival in Dublin, players had to wait for their equipment bags at baggage claim. These bags traveled with them because both teams practiced up until their departure day. For the trip, Florida State provided players with customized roller suitcases.
Once in Dublin, both teams will have light practices at the stadium to acclimate to the five-hour time difference. Georgia Tech coach Brent Key, who has experience with overseas games, plans to keep the focus on football and avoid distractions.
“We overcoached those kids,” Key said, referring to a previous loss while at UCF. “We tried to give them an experience, but it was too much when you’re there to play a football game. Do you know what makes a great experience? Winning.”
Georgia Tech will fly home immediately after the game, while Florida State will stay an extra day for sightseeing before returning to Tallahassee. Despite the different postgame plans, both schools have had to meticulously plan every detail of the trip.
There will be anxiety upon arrival, during the game, and afterward as everything must be repacked and cleared through customs. Both schools will rely heavily on people they’ve never met to ensure the journey goes smoothly.
“Anytime I travel, I worry if my bag will make it. Now, we’re moving almost 300 people at once. So you just have to make sure everything is correct,” Thompson said.